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We offer an array of tools that make it easier for you to get started as a driver.
Main Options for driver
Driver Sign Up Requirements
Everything you need to have to complete your registration has been prepared for you here.
Vehicle Categories
We have carefully crafted vehicle categories to best suit you and allow you to maximise earnings.
Hopp Insurance
Hopp maintains commercial auto insurance to help protect you in case of a covered accident while ridesharing on the Hopp App.
PTC Licence
Information about PTC licence requirements so you can pickup riders in the City of Toronto.
Have you heard this info about the rider discounts?
Discounts don't matter

of the discount is carried by Hopp
How discounts help you
Hopp offers riders discounts so that more people will use Hopp
x more rides
= more trips
= more money

Discounts don't affect your earnings

When Hopp offers riders discounts, it does not affect how much you earn.
Hopp covers the cost of the discount to make sure that you still earn what a full ride would have cost.
Scan the QR code to effortlessly download the driver app.
Download our App

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